![GunFlagUSA (102K)](http://jackblood.netfirms.com/home/images/GunFlagUSA.jpg)
Contact: Jack Blood - Email: jackblood@hotmail.com
In an unrecorded voice vote the gun grabbing bill once known at HR 297, HR 2640 also known as "The Veteran's Disarmament Act" by Pro 2nd Amendment grass roots organizations across America, passed, and will soon be on the way to President Bush for signature or veto.
The bill calls for a guilty before being proven innocent program of separating which Americans may realize the 2nd amendment and which may not. According to the bill any past, present, or future "thought crime" may threaten your right to purchase or own a firearm. Without a trial!
The core of the bill's problems is section 101(c)(1)(C), which makes you a "prohibited person" on the basis of a "medical finding of disability," so long as a citizen or veteran had an "opportunity" for some sort of "hearing" before some "lawful authority" (other than a court). Presumably, this "lawful authority" could even be the psychiatrist himself.
*Note that unlike with an accused murderer, the hearing doesn't have to occur. The "lawful authority" doesn't have to be unbiased. The citizen or veteran is not necessarily entitled to an attorney -- much less an attorney financed by the government. Children with past diagnosis for ADHD, People diagnosed with Alzheimer's, veterans dealing with PTSD and who seek psychiatric help, men and woman who are charged or suspected of domestic violence, and anyone currently under medication for psychiatric reasons what so ever... Are targets of HR 2640....
So where is the NRA in all of this? It was in fact the NRA that helped legislate this bill all along. They own this lock stock and barrel! Here is what NRA spokesperson Rachel Parsons had to say about supporting HR 2640 with Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Frank Lautenberg, and Carolyn McCarthy: "We want a clean bill. If this becomes a Christmas tree of gun control, we will absolutely remove support from this bill" Three months later they did NOT remove support.
And this is exactly what we ended up with. A Rockefeller Center style Christmas tree lit up with more gun CONTROL than all previous gun control bills combined. Like thieves in the night, in a secret vote, with NO PUBLIC debate, with no mention by all but one of the Republican presidential candidates (that one is Ron Paul) with no coverage by the big 5 media companies, without a care for liberty and the Constitution... Our 2nd amendment rights have been put in the hands of George W. Bush.
Every indicator seems to show that Mr. Bush, an alleged conservative will sign this nightmarish bill.
We might have time to stop him and we certainly have time to let the president know that we want this bill vetoed until such a time when Americans can have a thoughtful debate on what we are getting into with HR 2640.
We have time, not much, to send a message to the Senate and Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell to reconsider sending this to the president, and we have the entire year to challenge each of the candidates running for president on where they stand on such a bill. This is especially important if those running as sitting senators, and congressmen voted for this bill while posing as supporters of the right to keep and bear arms.
ACTION: We ask you this week to call into radio talk shows, to write your newspapers, and television networks to ask them why they have not addresses this issue before their audiences, and where they stand on the issue. We ask you this week to ask all of the candidates for President in 2008 to clarify where they stand on the issue of 2640, have they read the bill, and did they support it yes or no! We ask you this week to call you senators and congresspersons, and the White House to tell them that you do NOT support 2640, or anyone who endorses it.
We ask you on Friday January 11th 2008 at 12 Noon in your time zone to go to your state capitols, halls of government, media outlets, and to the White House with signs, banners and leaflets to alert the public to HR 2640 and to ask for their help in stopping it. Our goal is to get media attention to get this bill before the public eye. WITHOUT YOUR HELP WE WILL LOSE!
If we do not do anything it won't be long before, on the smallest of pretexts, YOU will lose your rights to legally own a firearm, and it won't be long before like in the UK, the government will come for your butter knives.
If you would like more information on this subject, or would like to schedule an interview please contact Jack Blood at jackblood@hotmail.com
Gun Owners Get Stabbed In The Back - Veterans Disarmament Act on its way to the President http://www.gunowners.org/a122007.htm (703)321-8585 Larry Pratt - Director
McCarthy and NRA ambush gun owners, sneak Gun Control through Senate and House http://nationalgunrights.org/alerts/2007-mccarthynra.shtml (FULL TEXT OF THE BILL HERE) NAGR Phone: (888) 874-3006 - Dudley Brown - Director
Sept 6th 2007 interview Jack Blood with Rachel Parson of the NRA: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=175415874751235706
Jack Blood covers NRA backed Gun Control with Dudley Brown of NationalGunRights.org and Larry Pratt of GunOwners.org http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1529101058692499496&hl=en
GEORGE W BUSH CONTACT INFO: BY PHONE - Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414 / FAX: 202-456-2461
MITCH McConnell's SENATE OFFICE, DC 361-A Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-2541 Fax: (202) 224-2499 http://mcconnell.senate.gov/ http://mcconnell.senate.gov/contact_form.cfm email
Dear Senator [Senator's Name Here],